finding the perfect name for your business   

 It must match your product or service

Your business name is meant to be meaningful to the general public. This is often the first thing he remembers about you and your firm. In this sense, it is essential that it corresponds to your activity, your product or service. In the best of cases, it remains possible to determine, at a glance, what you offer. Create a meaningful name! If you’re having trouble and can’t figure it out, try to find a name that’s as close to your industry as possible. Your goal: to make it easy to understand and remember!

Stand out from competitors

One factor remains paramount in naming your business. This is, of course, its availability. Even if you have found the perfect name for your business, you must resolve to abandon it if it is already used by one of your competitors. In this kind of situation, it is better to choose a name that you like less than the previous one.

Otherwise, not only would the two companies risk being confused and this, not necessarily to your advantage, but on top of that, consumers would see your company as a mere copy, without any added value.

It is therefore better not to take risks and avoid unnecessary negative repercussions.

Be easy to remember

Your business name should stick in the minds of consumers. Avoid lengthy or difficult-to-pronounce ones. The general public does not, in principle, make any particular effort to retain the surname of a particular company. Make it easier for him by opting for simplicity and efficiency. If in doubt about the choice of name, do not hesitate to test it with your loved ones to ensure its success, before validating it for good. Like jokes, the best business names are often the shortest!

It must match your values

In addition to representing you to the general public, the name of your company must also correspond to your values. It must allow people who read it or hear it for the first time to position you quickly. If you advocate a “cool attitude”, make it clear in your surname! Likewise, if you carry more traditional thoughts. Simply display the identity of your company and share your values!

Avoid negative connotations in France and abroad

When developing your business name, it remains essential that it does not have negative connotations. It may seem logical, but have you thought about checking internationally? This detail is very often forgotten during the creation of your surname. It may also be that some are considered negative by some countries… For a while, you will probably not face this problem. But what will happen when you want to expand outside of France? Don’t waste time, fix the problem now!

Make it timeless

Depending on the era, there may be name trends for companies. Many will also choose to use the same style because it is fashionable. Error to avoid! The risk of being cataloged at a specific period remains in this practice. You risk quickly giving an outdated connotation to your business. On top of that, you would be associated with an era and your success will tend to decrease over time. Go for something that works timelessly. Get out of conformism and be original!

Choose a royalty-free associated domain name

Last thing to do before definitively validating the name of your company: check that the associated domain name is free. Be sure not to forget this step because it occupies an essential place for your communication. If you don’t, you might just find that it’s not, ultimately, available once everything is up and running.

The objective remains to gain visibility, SEO and, at the same time, customer conversion. To make sure of its availability, go  to the Afnic website ( French association for internet naming in cooperation, editor’s note)!

As you will have understood, the name of your company requires special attention. It must meet certain criteria such as representing you and remaining easily memorable. You can also associate a story or an anecdote with it. People will appreciate knowing a little more about you and your company and will retain it more!

By admin

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